Individual Member

$1,000.00 / year

Become an Individual Member of the American Adjuster Association to network with other policyholders and professionals in the industry, stay informed on current events, and be a part of a community dedicated to advocating for fair claim payments.


Join the American Adjuster Association as an Individual Member to stay ahead with the latest industry news, join specialized groups for in-depth discussions, and amplify your voice through our content platforms.

This membership is designed for professionals who advocate for consumer rights. This includes licensed Public Adjusters, restoration contractors, attorneys, property managers, and others involved in helping consumers in the property damage claim process. 

What’s Included:

  • Access to our Member Portal, directory, job board
  • Create a personal/company profile and link to your website 
  • Access to private forum to post updates and/or follow current legislative efforts 
  • AAA Logos, press releases, and promotional content to announce your membership 
  • Connect with local and national industry professionals 
  • Receive industry news and updates via email 

Acceptance into the American Adjuster Association (AAA) as an Associate member is conditioned upon signing the AAA Member Pledge, affirming that you are free of conflicts of interest and will work in the best interest of policyholders. As a member, you must also agree to adhere to our code of ethics. 

Member Pledge:

As a member of the American Adjuster Association (AAA), I commit to:

  1. Honesty and Ethics: Conducting myself with the highest ethical standards, prioritizing policyholders’ best interests.
  2. Conflict Disclosure: Disclosing conflicts of interest clearly and obtaining policyholder consent before proceeding.
  3. Reputation: Upholding AAA’s values and protecting its reputation.
  4. Accountability: Accepting AAA’s right to revoke membership for violations of this pledge.
  5. Commitment to Excellence:
    • Treat policyholders as I expect to be treated.
    • Prioritize honesty, compliance, and integrity to the claim process.
    • Deliver quality results on time and at a good value.
    • Maintain necessary licenses and insurance.
    • Comply with all laws and regulations.
    • Communicate fairly and resolve customer complaints promptly.
    • Train employees to ensure competent service.
    • Handle complaints effectively and correct mistakes.
    • Interact professionally with other members and resolve disputes amicably.
    • Notify AAA of unresolved complaints or violations by any member.

By embracing these standards, I pledge to pledge to conduct business in a way that reflects the values of the association and enhances the trust and confidence of policyholders.

Code of Ethics:

All members and industry sponsors must demonstrate competency in their respective fields and have the highest ethical standards when working with or alongside policyholders.  This includes abiding by our internal code of ethics. AAA Members must:

  • Conduct business with honesty and integrity, always prioritizing policyholders’ best interests.
  • Disclose conflicts of interest clearly and seek policyholder consent before proceeding.
  • Seek unbiased truth in every situation and present the facts.
  • Avoid external influences to provide improper settlements
  • Comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.
  • Ensure transparent, fair communication with policyholders.
  • Address and resolve customer complaints promptly.
  • Encourage high standards of service and professionalism among employees and affiliates.
Payment Option

Monthly, Yearly