American Adjuster Association

About Us


Our Mission

Our main goal is to educate property owners, elected officials and the press that an insured must be afforded cost-balanced representation in the claim process.
We are a non-profit that has bylaws that prevent the organization from benefiting from referrals related to for-profit work.
We recognize a true alignment of interest with the policyholder and pledge to never support laws that may solely be good for adjusters, but that may harm the consumer.
We object to laws and regulations that are different for adjusters on the policyholder side compared to those that represent the insurance company interests.

We are a member of the American Policyholder Association and support criminal culpability related to those who perpetuate fraud against policyholders.

Who We Are

The people, companies and groups that make up the American Adjuster Association are leaders in the insurance claim management industry and include Adjusters, Lawyers, Restoration Businesses and affiliate groups.

Our members help people who have suffered a physical property loss due to a catastrophic circumstance like fire, wind and floods. We assist policyholders in a variety of ways including claim adjusting, litigation and restoration.

Why We Exist

State laws, policies and inaction from insurance companies hurt those who need help the most: policyholders trying to recover from a catastrophic and unplanned situation. These often result in moral hazards and economic disaster for the most vulnerable people. It is our responsibility to fix this.

What We Do

fair law short

What We Advocate For

Join Us

American Adjuster Association was formed to bring awareness and industry experts together to find solutions to the problems and issues policyholders face.